The artistic investigation of David Scognamiglio explores the territories of space, time and emotions.
The symbolic universe created by the artist immerses the visitor in landscapes of deceleration and contemplation.
Once this silence is achieved, it is possible to turn one’s gaze inward in order to connect to that which is not visible.
Scognamiglio is a visual artist, a Master in Investigation of Contemporary Art from the Universitat de Barcelona, with a degree in architecture from the Università degli Studi di Firenze, and a Diploma in Light Studies from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Past and current exhibitions
Incandescenze, TBYS, Bologna, Italy. [May 13 – May 15]
Biología Temporal, Galería NAC, Santiago, Chile. [December 15 – January 15]
Acción Performance, Galería OMA, Santiago, Chile. [June 14 – June 16]
Fil Noir, Dimore Gallery, Milano, Italy. [September 21]
To Unveil a Light, San Giacomo, Matera, Italy. [November 8 – November 11]
To Suspend a Light, SS. Pietro e Paolo Apostoli, Castignano, Italy. [July 4 – July 22]
To Sink a Light, Galería Angels 2, Barcelona, Spain. [June 19 – June 26]
PLUS residency, Museo de la Universidad de Alicante, Spain. [September 14 – October 14]
Estructura Electrorepetidora, Nuit Blanche, Alicante, Spain. [July 20]
Aria Materia, Fondazione Sassi, Matera, Italy. [July 27 – August 27]
Incertum, Museo delle Miniere, Montecatini Val di Cecina, Italy. [July 21 – September 21]
Aqua Lucens, Embajada de Italia, Santiago, Chile. [Permanent collection]
Pluvium, Instituto Italiano di Cultura, Santiago, Chile. [May 09 – June 21. Solo exhibition]
Lĕvis Lēvis , Open Dark, Santiago, Chile. [April 11 – July 07]
Versŭs, Galería NAC Goyenechea, Santiago, Chile. [March 21 – May 13]
Foris, Compañia 1263, Santiago, Chile. [January 13 – January 15]
Colectiva NAC, Galería NAC Goyenechea, Santiago, Chile. [December 21 – January 15]
N.M.W., Centro Culturale Vittorio Montiglio, Santiago, Chile. [November 17 – December 23]
Serie Dérives, Art Stgo, Centro cultural GAM, Santiago, Chile. [August 20 – August 21]
De Rivus, Galería NAC, Santiago, Chile. [June 30 – July 30. Solo exhibition]
2Y, Galería Monoambiente, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [May 8 – July 3]
Si la neblina se quedara, Festival de las Artes de Valparíso, Chile. [January 17 – January 25]
Lampo/Relámpago, Área / Bordes, Santiago, Chile. [November 28 – November 30]
Constelaciones, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile. [October 30 – November 20. Solo exhibition]
L’Origine, Nuit Blanche, Paris, France. [October 4]
Constellations, Festival Les Insolites, Centre Culturel Le Moustier, Thorigny s/Marne, France. [September 27 – September 29]
Refugio, Ciclo de creación contemporánea Sala Arrau, Teatro Municipal, Santiago, Chile. [May 29 – May 31]
Constelaciones, Santiago, Chile. [October 18 – October 20]
Trios, Área / Santiago, Chile. [January 10 – January 13]
Duelinee, Centro de Arquitectura Contemporánea, Santiago, Chile. [October 11 – October 14]
UrbanLuz, Santiago, Chile. [December 20 – June 20]
Pois(s)on, Festival Intercollectifs, Toulouse, France. [April 12 – April 15]
Rebottle, Festival SpaziEvasi, Francavilla, Italy. [July 31 – August 31]